
Our standard fee is $12-25 per session. Sessions are 1 - 2 hours in length.
Fees vary depending on need and program design. We barter. See more about paying by barter at the bottom of this post. The schedule below will give you an idea of what you may pay.

Grade 7-12 w/Tutor
Individual sessions - $18
Small Group (2-3 Students) - $15
ACT/SAT Prep - $20

Grade 2-6 w/Tutor
Individual sessions - $15
Small Group (2-3) - $12

On-Line Tutoring
One Session - $15
Three Sessions - $42
Six Sessions - $80
Session length may vary but is at least one hour. To receive the multiple sessions price you must purchase as a package prior to the first session.

Homework Support
One Semester - $375
Full School Year - $650
Unlimited on-line and telephone support and tutoring, includes one face to face meeting per week, as necessary.

Children's Enrichment Programs
We provide programs for elementary and secondary age classrooms, groups and organizations in the areas of art, creative writing, local history, ecology, environment, natural history and archeology. We work with each group to establish program fees. Email us for more info FremontCountyTutoring@gmail.com

GED Prep
Individual sessions - $20
Small Group (2-3) - $18

English as a Second Language
Individual sessions - $18
Small Group (2-3) - $15

Creative Writing Workshops
Individual - $25/ 90 minutes
Group - $120 - 6 Weeks; sessions about 90 minutes

We Barter for organic food; electrical, plumbing, painting, and misc home repair and maintenance services; firewood; yardwork; automotive services.

We try to make all experiences a win-win situation. Feel free to suggest a pay schedule, barter or program that will work for you, your student or your needs.
Contact us at FremontCountyTutoring@gmail.com.